Good Health

Svetol 2,800 - Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract 112 capsules


Good Health Svetol® 2800 contains Green Coffee Bean extract which has been clinically researched to help increase weight loss by reducing body fat through regulating blood glucose levels in healthy individuals.

The active ingredient, Chlorogenic acid, works by inhibiting the absorption of blood glucose in the digestive system, therefore, reducing and stabilising sugar levels in the blood. This action forces the body to use stored fat instead of carbohydrates. This results in body fat being burned as the preferred source of fuel.

Many people find diet and exercise alone is not always enough and often hit a plateau in their weight loss.

Good Health Svetol® 2800 uses the clinically researched green coffee bean extract.

Ingredients: (per capsule)

Svetol® Coffea canephora extract 200mg
(Green coffee bean) extract 1.4g
Equiv. Coffea canephora (1400mg)
Equiv. Chlorogenic acids 90mg

No gluten, artificial flavours, sweeteners, preservatives or colours used in this product.

Directions & Precautions
Not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
The recommended dose of this supplement provides small amounts of caffeine.
Diabetics consult your healthcare professional before use.
Do not use if blister seal is broken or if tamper sticker is broken or missing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Weight management products should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet, exercise programme, and lifestyle changes.

Not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
The recommended dose of this supplement provides small amounts of caffeine.
Diabetics consult your healthcare professional before use.
Do not use if blister seal is broken or if tamper sticker is broken or missing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Weight management products should be used in conjunction with a balanced diet, exercise programme, and lifestyle changes.