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6 Ways To Look After Your Liver
Jan 09, 2021
Your liver is essential. It has over 500 imperative functions to help keep your body healthy. However, its role in our general well-being can easily be overlooked. Read on for optimum liver tips! 👇 👇

Prickly heat (sweat rash)
Jan 09, 2021
Also known as miliaria, prickly heat rash occurs when perspiration is trapped under the skin, causing the skin to turn red and a sensation of warmth, stinging or prickling. It commonly occurs in hot, humid or tropical climates, but is also seen in patients in hospital, and in newborn babies. If you're struggling with prickly heat rash come & talk to our friendly team of health experts!

Stay Safe Around The Pool This Summer
Jan 09, 2021
Unfortunately, in New Zealand we have shocking rates of death by drowning. This summer don't take any risks. Make sure children are supervised around water at all times.