
Kids ViroGone 200 ml


A natural immunity booster, especially for children.

This traditional plant medicine formula fortifies your kids' little systems. Especially good in the winter time, it helps to support a strong immune system and it tastes yum. Kids ViroGone provides effective, immediate support against immune threats. This natural formula is best taken regularly as a proactive approach to staying well. Particularly when bugs are circulating. For chesty woes try the Kids Chest Relief Day and Kids Chest Relief Night formulas.

Kids ViroGone helps kids on the road to a quick recovery.

100% organic fresh-plant extracts:

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea): Echinacea increases the number and activity of immune system cells, resulting in a more efficient attack on infections, viruses and bacteria. It improves resistance to infection, and can also be used acutely to reduce the severity and duration of colds and influenza.
Elderflower blossom (Sambucus nigra): Elderflower stimulates the immune system, enhancing immune function, helping defend the body against viruses and infection. It has potent antiviral and antibacterial properties that help treat head colds, influenza, and sinusitis. It also helps the body to overcome a fever.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra): Licorice helps to reduce stress, which improves the body’s adaptation to infection triggers. Anti-inflammatory properties help with pain and inflammation in the throat, while providing a soothing protective layer. Licorice also modulates the coughing reflex, relaxing spasms and helping to expel phlegm as needed.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): A powerful natural antibiotic, its essential oils fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Its expectorant action increases the production of mucous and helps to expel phlegm.
Lemon Oil (Citrus limon oleum): Packed with vitamin C, Lemon oil contains antiviral properties which help soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the throat and mouth. It is traditionally used to help reduce fevers.

Hypoallergenic. Also contains vegetable glycerine, ethanol (4.2%) and certified organic apple cider vinegar. No added sugar, artificial sweetener or flavouring. Gluten, wheat and dairy free.

Directions & Precautions
- No documented herb-drug interactions within the recommended dosage
- Contraindications: over-sensitivity to any ingredients
- Check ingredients for known allergies or over-sensitivity
- Discontinue use if irritation occurs
- No restriction on long term use
- Suitable for newborns, infants and young children

Oral Liquid Ingredients:
In a natural vegetable glycerin base. Contains ethanol and apple cider vinegar. Hypoallergenic. Does not contain sugar, artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours, preservatives, gluten, wheat or dairy. GE Free.

Acute Dose (for immediate support) - take 2-5 doses per day

Preventative - take 1 dose per day

Infants 0-1 years 0.5ml - 1ml
Children 1-2 years 1ml - 2.5ml
Children 2-4 years 2.5ml - 4ml
Children 4-6 years 4ml - 6ml